Eating: Teacakes Can Be Artisanal?: Velvet Espresso and Artisan Teacakes

This past Saturday Cristina and I wanted to make the trip uptown to visit our friends Eric and Vinnie doing there “guest” barista gig at Velvet Espresso and Artisan Teacakes. It was a perfect day for us to go since I had come in very late from the previous night’s…

3 min read

Baked Eggs for Breakfast

Easy Breakfast If you read all of my cooking posts, you will see Mark Bittman’s name in very large, bold letters. I have to admit, I have a bit of a man crush. Until I received How to Cook Everything as a present, I didn’t realize to what extent I…

2 min read

Rambling: Phil’s Grill, First Attempt at Cookies, and How Popeyes is Romantic

I like hamburgers. However, Cristina isn’t sold on them…yet. She did have a steakburger in NYC over Christmas so there is hope. However, Phil’s Grill is a favorite spot for us even though it touts itself as a hamburger joint. And it is, but Phil was smart enough to know…

3 min read

Cooking: Steaks and Crab Cakes

The winter can be an awful time for Cristina and me. I’m a teacher, but that doesn’t mean I’m home by three o’clock. Some days, I put in more than twelve hours. The reason for this is that I’m a basketball coach. Unless you know a high school coach, it’s…

4 min read

Cooking: Troy and Abed in the Morning Present Apple Nut Bars

Cristina and I are trying to lose weight slowly and surely. Partially, because we are superficial and want to look good for our wedding, but mainly because we just want to get healthy. We both are using to help track our weight and our calories consumed and burned. I…

3 min read

Cooking: It’s What’s for Breakfast

A couple of years ago I bought a Men’s Health magazine mainly to make myself feel as if I’m doing something about my health without actually doing anything about my health.  This was before I had high blood pressure and cholesterol.   Ryan Reynolds was the cover model that month.  He…

2 min read