Surrounded by Water and Orange in Amsterdam

The First Evening in Amsterdam: The Anne Frank Huis Our second to last city in our Europe Chronicles was Amsterdam, Easily it was one of the most beautiful cities we visited. We loved being surrounded by water and orange in Amsterdam.  And we didn’t even visit a coffee shop. Our…

6 min read

Walking on History: Berlin in a Day and Half

First Day in Berlin The early morning train from Prague to Berlin was smooth, quiet, and uneventful. Well, it was quiet due to some girls leaving our car once they realized it was a reserved car. I was thankful for this because we were starting to hit the wall, we…

7 min read

Walking to Raise Cancer Awareness

On September 11, we traveled down to Lockport to run a 5K Fun Run to help with Cancer Awareness.  The only problem was that Mrs. Nola Nerd Couple woke up sick that morning.  However, we were going to complete the 5K no matter what. Walking to raise cancer awareness is…

2 min read

Touring Prague in a Day

Prague, A Favorite city If Florence was our favorite city from our Europe 2010 trip, Prague is a very close second. Unfortunately because of our long train day (never schedule Innsbruck then Prague unless you can book a sleeper car) we only got to spend one day in this lovely…

8 min read

Eating and Concerting: Old Tyme Grocery and NKOTBSB

Because I’m a great husband and also because I’m the best brother ever, I recently accompanied my wife, sister, and sister-in-law to Lafayette for the NKOTBSB concert. I had one condition for the torture that would befall my ears in form of young girls and older women shrieking: a shrimp…

2 min read

Traveling: Sulmoma, or Home

There are very few reasons an American would ever go to Sulmona, Italy, unless you are George Clooney and you are making a movie called The American. Very few people in this town can speak English…actually only those that have gone to college recently. It’s a modest size town with…

1 min read