Forks Over Knives Review

The Argument A raw food vegan friend of mine recently encouraged me to watch the documentary Forks Over Knives. The movie does a plant-based diet version of Super Size Me. By eating a whole food plant diet, the director loses and keeps off a lot of weight. His blood work shows…

5 min read

Baked Eggs for Breakfast

Easy Breakfast If you read all of my cooking posts, you will see Mark Bittman’s name in very large, bold letters. I have to admit, I have a bit of a man crush. Until I received How to Cook Everything as a present, I didn’t realize to what extent I…

2 min read

Rambling: Lactose Intolerance, Coffeenerdness, and Super Bowl Hangovers

Even though Cristina’s first 29th birthday was actually Tuesday, we waited till Saturday to celebrate with friends by going to Superior Grill. Again, I’m not the biggest fan of Mexican food due to being lactose intolerant. I’m even a lesser fan when I order a steak sandwich with no cheese…

3 min read

Cooking: Steaks and Crab Cakes

The winter can be an awful time for Cristina and me. I’m a teacher, but that doesn’t mean I’m home by three o’clock. Some days, I put in more than twelve hours. The reason for this is that I’m a basketball coach. Unless you know a high school coach, it’s…

4 min read

Learning to Cook

Two years ago, I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Best thing that ever happened to me. I discovered that I actually have a passion for something: cooking. I’ve always been the kind of person interested in everything but no one thing in particular. Trying to control…

3 min read