Star Wars-ing: Can't Wait to Share With the Nola Nerd Baby
We thought we had a lot of Star Wars stuff. Toys, movies, stuffed animals, posters, etc, we have it. Then we had the Nola Nerd Baby. We couldn’t help ourselves, but at least we have presents for the first four birthdays!
While we hated to see Toys’R’Us close, we did take advantage of the sales. At the one closest to us, we were able to pick up Jyn Erso costume to cosplay within at future cons. We also were able to pick up quite a few stuff animals as well. We really did well at the Panama City Toys’R’US when visiting relatives. This is where we got the Landspeeder for 70% off. We didn’t even discuss it. We just looked at each other and nodded. We also purchased Rey’s staff that also serves as a metal detector. It’s part of Star War’s Science line of toys. Considering that the Nola Nerd Baby’s grandparents live in Panama City this will be a toy that we will use quite a bit. We also bought some Forces of Destiny dolls as well. Of course, we also bought some non-Star Wars stuff. What we really love about these toys is that they allow our girl to take part in something we love. Now, if she rebels against Star Wars when she becomes a teenager…
This will probably be the silliest Star Wars think piece that you will probably ever read. George Lucas and LucasFilm are beyond helpful with raising the Nola Nerd Baby. They have provided me with an entire universe to communicate with her. And every time I do, she smiles and talks…
We have attempted to do a podcast for quite a while, but life kept getting in the way. Having the Nola Nerd Baby brought plenty of complications such as pre-partum depression and preeclampsia. We go into detail about that experience, but how our sweet baby was worth it. We also…
Kurt Hargis
I'm a husband to a woman who is nerdier than I am, and a father to a near perfect child. I am one of the main authors for this website, plus I handle most of the technical aspects (web design, editing podcasts, and videos, etc.) During the day, I'm a Computer Science and African American Studies Teacher. Most of my free time I'm listening to music or podcasts and watching soccer. I love Star Wars and Star Trek equally. I'm a horrible gamer yet I game. You can reach me at