The Nola Nerd Couple Podcast Episode 46: Mr. Nola Nerd Couple and the Nola Nerd Baby Discuss the Music She Likes

In this mini-episode of the Nola Nerd Couple podcast, the Nola Nerd Baby joins Mr. Nola Nerd. They (well she just makes baby sounds) discuss the music the Nola Nerd Couple plays for the baby and which ones she seems to enjoy the most! We talk about her favorite lullabies.…

1 min read

Learning From Other Star Wars Fans

I never gave two cents about diversity in much anything when I was a kid and teenager.  “If it doesn’t affect me, why should I care” was my attitude.  Let’s face it, why would it affect me?  I’m a straight, white, cis male of European descent.  Furthermore, I was a…

3 min read

Fandom-ing: Yes, We Still Play PokeMon Go

Remember Pokemon Go? Remember 2016 when Pokemon Go was all the craze?  Remember going to parks and people were actually there (in south Louisiana during the summer this borders on an insane idea).  Well, it seemed like a fad that quickly went away.Well, not for us.  We might not have…

2 min read

Parenting: Star Wars Toys for Baby

Star Wars Galactic Nights Back in May, we attended Star Wars Galactic Nights.  The Nola Nerd Baby was three months old and did a fantastic job.  She didn’t complain and slept through most of it.On the first meeting of her great-grandfather, he slipped her twenty dollars.  We want to make…

2 min read

ComicCon-ing: Wizard World New Orleans Annouces More Guests.

Wizard World New Orleans is starting to announce a lot of guests for their show coming the first weekend in January.  There first wave of guests was mainly from Outlander.   As always, they are planning a great show and have now announced guests from more fandoms! Even though it has…

1 min read

No Boba Fett Movie But a Thank You to Jeremy Bulloch

Not the Hugest Fans of Boba Fett… A movie about Boba Fett will not be made. Weirdly, the announcement saying it was not going to be made was made before any announcement that it would be made. At Nola Nerd Couple Headquarters, we would have went to see it, but…

3 min read