Traveling: Passed the Pub That Saps Your Body (or Our Last Day in London)

Before I start this entry into our Europe Chronicles, I just want to make you aware I’m doing this mainly from memory. These events may or may not have happened and if they did could be completely out of order. Cristina took lengthy detailed notes everyday in her journal. She…

1 min read

2011 Best Picture Nominees Roundup

Watching Movies I always love the title of Pauline Kael’s I Lost it at the Movies. I believe the world is divided into two types of people: those that identify with that title and those that don’t. In college, I used to take breaks from reading in the library by…

8 min read

Baked Eggs for Breakfast

Easy Breakfast If you read all of my cooking posts, you will see Mark Bittman’s name in very large, bold letters. I have to admit, I have a bit of a man crush. Until I received How to Cook Everything as a present, I didn’t realize to what extent I…

2 min read

Rambling: Phil’s Grill, First Attempt at Cookies, and How Popeyes is Romantic

I like hamburgers. However, Cristina isn’t sold on them…yet. She did have a steakburger in NYC over Christmas so there is hope. However, Phil’s Grill is a favorite spot for us even though it touts itself as a hamburger joint. And it is, but Phil was smart enough to know…

3 min read

Rambling: Lactose Intolerance, Coffeenerdness, and Super Bowl Hangovers

Even though Cristina’s first 29th birthday was actually Tuesday, we waited till Saturday to celebrate with friends by going to Superior Grill. Again, I’m not the biggest fan of Mexican food due to being lactose intolerant. I’m even a lesser fan when I order a steak sandwich with no cheese…

3 min read

Celebrating: Birthday Party

Tonight we are going to superior grill to celebrate Cristina’s birthday. Being lactose intolerant, Mexican food is not my favorite. I have to stick with hamburgers, fajitas, or steak. In fact, I judge Mexican food places by their hamburger. While not a gourmet burger, it’s not horrible. I’m definitely going…

1 min read