Reviewing: Game of Thrones S6E6

Game of Thrones had some big shoes to fill after last week.  You know the week where they ripped our heart apart and then slammed a door on it. So thankfully, this episode seemed to go by really quick.  If it feels quick, then it’s usually a good episode.

1 min read

Reviewing: A Comic Book History of Comics

I had The Comic Book History of Comics on my wishlist for a while. I really wanted to read it this summer. Then I saw author Fred Van Lente was going to be at Space City Comic Con and moved it up on my reading list. It did not disappoint.…

4 min read

Reviewing: Damien

The Omen was one of the first horror movies I saw.  I can’t remember if I saw it in the theaters or if I saw it on HBO.  One of the things I loved about my parents is that they didn’t try shielding me from good movies even if they…

2 min read

Concert-ing: The Cure at UNO Lakefront Arena on May 11, 2016

“Plainsong”* by The Cure is the greatest opening song to any album. Ever.  I’m not saying it’s the best song; I’m saying it’s the best first song for an album.  It opens Disintegration, The Cure’s magnum opus, and it sets the entire tone for the rest of the masterwork.  It…

1 min read

Reviewing: Game of Thrones Episodes 2-4 Season Six

The fifth book of the Song of Ice and Fire series, A Dance with Dragons, was full of sound and fury signifying nothing.  Lots of pages to get us not very far from where we started.  So far, Season 6 has been the same way to me.  I’m not alone.  Saturday…

1 min read