Wizard World Becomes Fan Expo New Orleans

Fan Expo has absorbed Wizard World New Orleans! So while we no longer have a Wizard World in New Orleans, we now have Fan Expo New Orleans.  

4 min read

The Family that Pensacons Together…

Except for the year our daughter decided to arrive, we have made it to Pensacon every year since its inception. While we have been to larger cons in larger cities – including ones in Philadelphia, Chicago, and London – Pensacon remains our favorite. They always seem to know what fandoms…

3 min read

Review of Pensacon 2020: Complete Success!

I’m scratching my head over here. I’m not sure what good karma they are putting out into the world, but Pensacon must be doing something right. The weather was perfect, the crowds were great, and everyone was so lovely. Our review of Pensacon 2020: a complete success. More on this…

9 min read

The Amazing City of Pensacola Hosts Pensacon 2020

If you find yourself at the Bay Center for all of Pensacon, you missed out on quite a bit. In fact, the amazing city of Pensacola hosts Pensacon.

3 min read

Epic Comic Panels at Pensacon 2020

We highly recommend that you go to the LongBox Guys comic panels at Pensacon 2020. They have forgotten more about comics than I ever learned.

3 min read

Learning about the Lockport Parade

All About the Lockport Parade Being the Nola Nerd Couple, we love Mardi Gras. We love going to parades in New Orleans and Metairie. However, the Mr. (aka me) is from Lockport, a small town about 40 minutes south of New Orleans. In 2016, he decided to ask some riders…

10 min read