Baked Eggs for Breakfast

Easy Breakfast

If you read all of my cooking posts, you will see Mark Bittman’s name in very large, bold letters. I have to admit, I have a bit of a man crush. Until I received How to Cook Everything as a present, I didn’t realize to what extent I like to cook. Before I did it for fun on occasion; now, I do it because I almost feel compelled to cook.

One day, I was looking through the egg recipes. I knew you could fry, scramble, boil, and poach an egg. I knew you chould nuke an egg. What I didn’t know was that you can bake an egg. Never had it as a kid.

The first time I tried the recipe I knew I had found a dish that had endless possibilities.

This is my favorite combination.


You will need eggs if you are making baked eggs for breakfast
Of course, if you are going to make baked eggs, you will need eggs? Photo by Kate Remmer on Unsplash
  • 1 or 2 Eggs based on the size of your ramekins
  • Butter or Olive Oil as needed
  • Cream (preferable) or milk
  • Cheese (Cheddar and Parmesan)
  • Spinach
  • Cherry Tomatoes


Heat the oven to 375. Coat the bottom with a little butter or olive oil. Put a couple of teaspoons of cream on the bottom. I crumble some seaside or 1833 cheddar on to the bottom and place some spinach or cherry tomatoes (halved) on the bottom. Break open the eggs and let them fall as they may.

I then grate some fresh parmesan cheese and add more spinach and tomatoes at the top. If I have fresh basil, I’ll chop some up and place that on top as well. Bake for 10-15 minutes until the egg whites are set. You can go longer if you want hard yolks…I like mine to run. They will cook for a little longer in the ramekin after you take them out. Also, if you are serving this for someone else, warn them the ramekin will be very hot. Season with salt and pepper and serve.

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0 Replies to “Baked Eggs for Breakfast”

  1. Thanks for this post!!!!!!!!!!!! I am now addicted to baked eggs in the toaster oven for breakfast. Yum. And time-effective! You rock!

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