Drinking: A Tea Education

12 years ago

Coca-Cola and I have come to a point in our relationship that is no longer beneficial to me. I must…

Eating: La Magazine’s Roast Beef Poboy

12 years ago

From the outside, La Magazine looked like the last place on earth to serve a great roast beef poboy. Well,…

Cooking: Challah French Toast

12 years ago

Challah Bread is a egg bread that is a Jewish bread made for the Sabbath. At least, Wikipedia says so.…

Cooking: Butter Cookies

12 years ago

Michael Pollan, author of the Food Rules, once stated that you should eat anything you cannot be bothered with cooking…

Cooking: Baked Chicken and Maple Glazed Carrots

12 years ago

Baked chicken is easy.  Baked chicken legs is cheap and easy.  Now, that you have stopped snickering.  Let's get on…

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