It’s too easy to break my resolve. I’m weak willed. Therefore, I have resolved to call my resolutions challenges. It sounds better. It allows for me to fail because challenges are sometimes hard. Plus, there is always next year.

So what are my challenges for the New Year?

Cook More: I am not a good cook.  I’m nowhere near where I want to be.  However, by cooking more the better I become at it. Therefore you will see more blogs about my cooking in the upcoming year. Also, cooking for me is cathartic. There have been days where I’ve had a bad headache, and it disappeared while I was cooking.

Eat Better: Now, if I’m going to cook more often at home, part of this challenge will be taken care of. However, going to class two nights a week often sets me up to eat fast food. I need to plan better for that. Also, by eating better I’m also challenging myself to branch out more often when I do eat out. There are way too many restaurants in this area that’s I’ve never tried. Good food cooked well with fresh ingredients will always be better for you than mass produced food.

Become a Better Photographer: Since I want to blog more about my cooking, I need to get better at it. The funny part of this challenge is that I have taught digital graphics for about 5 years. Yet, Cristina is so much better at it. I try to use the rule of thirds and the golden ratio to no avail. I understand the technical side of all of our cameras. Cristina points and shoots, and the pictures come out amazing.

Blog More: It seems that we operate this blog in spurts. We get all into it and then all of sudden we go off the grid for months at a time. The main reason is graduate school. A full-time job and full-time course work make it hard for us to get out of the real world. Therefore, this blog might change a little. We will include more reviews of books and movies that deal with travel and food. While we have given travelogues (and will continue with our Europe cruise soon…I promise), we might write essays on particular moments. My goal is to write three blogs a week.  Well, that’s my challenge to myself.

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