Listening: David Bowie

9 years ago

I was too young to remember Elvis dying.  I remember John Lennon’s death and how it affected others but I…

NOLA-ing: Bonnet Carré Spillway Opening

9 years ago

For only the eleventh time in history, the Army Corps of Engineers opened the Bonne Carré Spillway in St. Charles…

Reviewing: 2016: A Better Me

9 years ago

My new year's resolution is to make myself into a better me.  My palindromic rheumatism seems to be in remission.…

Reviewing: New Year’s Resolutions

9 years ago

Most people never keep their New Year’s resolutions. I know I don’t. But who says you can only start something…

NOLA-ing: The Culturally Diverse Oretha Castle Haley Boulevard

9 years ago

Kurt and I spent yesterday in Central City, along Oretha Castle Haley Boulevard. OC Haley is a historic district, formally…