Listening: Men at Work’s Overkill

10 years ago

I’m kind of ashamed that I’m starting off my favorite song series with Men at Work.  I like Men at…

Comic Book Collecting: Millennium #1

10 years ago

I loved the X-Files and its spinoff, Millennium.  Yet, they both had a major flaw if I remember correctly.  They…

Teaching: Using Spotify in the Classroom

10 years ago

One of my favorite things to do is to soundtrack my reading.  For example, when reading a biography of Truman,…

Traveling: The Royal Mile and a Walk to the Firth

10 years ago

Our first full day in Edinburgh was a walk around day.  In fact, if my Fitbit was to be believed,…

Parading: Muses, A New Orleans Parade (picture heavy)

10 years ago

Now that grad school is over, Kurt and I started to slowly have a life again, which means now that…