We Don’t Want to Go (well, kinda)

We have looked forward to this all year. Now, I want to skip Star Wars Celebration.

Alas, we won’t. We will be there.

Only the Nola Nerd Couple will be there.

The Nola Nerd Trio

The trio will not.

So if you see us staring into the middle distance, it’s because we will be without our little one.

First Time With Out the Nola Nerd Baby.

It’s not that we are afraid to take the Nola Nerd Baby to Celebration. She’s already been to Megacon, Wizard World New Orleans, and Pensacon. She loves going to cons.

Chilling at Pensacon

But, those cons are weekend shows. Star Wars Celebration is five days long. That’s a long time to switch a baby’s routine. Plus, being a baby born in a humid subtropical climate, Chicago’s spring might be a little too harsh for her.

She also has a bedtime of 6pm. This is self-imposed. She gets tired and wants to go to bed. So she does. That wouldn’t be fair to her to keep her up for that long.

While we obviously have gone out without her, this will be the first time we have gone days without her.

Plus, she will be with her Florida family. She will be spoiled rotten when we get her back!

But still, we are going to miss her more than we can imagine. We will probably have tears.

Good thing though we live in the future. We will utilize FaceTime to communicate. If you see us staring at our phone blowing kisses, you know why now.

Maybe, Next Time

We can’t wait to take her to future Celebrations. She already has some cosplay.

Plus, Celebrations tend to be family affairs for us. Mrs. Nola Nerd Couple’s sisters and in-laws have all been to multiple celebrations. I can’t wait to take a family picture with our baby’s aunts, uncles, and cousins at a Celebration.

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4 thoughts on “We Want to Skip Star Wars Celebration

  1. Ray Laskowitz says:

    It’s going to drive both of you crazy. When we travel, the kids granny sue stays with them. They have a great time with her, as the ten or so flavors of ice cream in the freezer show. We, on the other hand… not so much. 🙄

    1. admin says:

      I know. She goes with nana tomorrow, but we already miss her.

      1. Ray Laskowitz says:

        I do hope you have fun in Chicago. I fear that your minds will be elsewhere… Unless we are actually working and focused. Well, you know. 🙂

      2. Ray Laskowitz says:

        Here’s what we do now that there is every kind of way to communicate via video, call once a day. Seeing her will help you get through the lonelies of missing her.

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