I didn’t believe it would happen. I didn’t believe the meteorologists. I’ve seen them overanalyze everything in my 51 years and make something too big, and it became a disappointment. I thought they were predicting too many inches and too many hours.
To quote Thorin, the son of Thráin II, grandson of Thrór, never have I have been so wrong in all my life.
The Great Louisiana Snow of 2025
I spent Monday getting ready for the freeze. The freeze I did expect. The freeze I did worry about.
My wife woke up first and announced it was snowing. This was around 7 am. It kept snowing until 5 pm.
For our northern friends, this is unprecedented. When it has snowed, it becomes an icy mush by the afternoon. In fact, it has always been a wintry mix, with snow being the dominant ingredient.
This was real snow. Powdery skiing snow. Check Aspen off your bucket list snow.
And for us Nola Nerds, the kind of snow you turn around and go through the mines of Khazad-dûm even though you know the dwarves dug too deep. We could only handle short stretches. I don’t have gloves to handle this. In fact, I almost put on thick socks as gloves.
But it was glorious. Everyone was six years old on January 21, 2025—every one of us.
The Nola Nerd Family in the Great Louisiana Snow of 2025
The Nola Nerd Couple Weekly Updates
In our more nerd news, we are still recovering from the fun we had at Fan Expo New Orleans 2025. Maybe having Andy Serkis whisper “my precious” into our six-year-old’s ears has put me in a LotR mood. He made me want to watch the entire saga (and I mean everything cause I love Rings of Power) again.
While Pensacon is looking like it won’t happen for us, the lineup is amazing. Angie Harmon is making her first con appearance. Anthony Rapp is probably the person we will miss the most if we can’t make it. I really want to be in the same room as Haley Mills. And I would love to go to the panel featuring Sheryl Lee and Ray Wise to hear stories of David Lynch. Pensacon is coming soon, so get your tickets now for this Valentine’s Day Weekend party.
Another con we wish we could go to is Megacon. Jude Law, Matt Smith, Ron Howard, and Nicolas Hoult are just a few of the amazing guest list that I want to meet. There are so many more (Gran Gustin, Elisabeth Shue). However, we have some amazing family adventures coming up soon that make us have to be more frugal. (Unless someone wants to sponsor us). Get your tickets now since it’s happening soon (Feb 6-9)
Looking Ahead
Our spring will not be boring. We have a trip to NYC planned for our daughters seventh birthday. We will skip Mardi Gras and head to Walt Disney World with a lot of our family. For easter, we are doing a three of us cruise to Key West and the Bahamas.
Also, notice that we are doing more of a newsletter for our posts. Our day jobs, being teachers, is still our passion. In fact, I think I love my job more than I have ever loved it before. That along with a very active little girl – dance, tumbling, music theater, and Girl Scouts – makes writing for the Nola Nerd Couple blog a little daunting. We still have the adventures, but not the time to write about them.
My solution, and I know I have had man over the years, is to do one weekly newsletter blog covering practically everything. Writing for a daily blog takes me a few hours between writing, editing, revising plus doing graphics. It became too much.
Hopefully, this new format allows us to take a week to write one blog. Hopefully, I can keep it up.
And hopefully, you keep reading this.