Rare Park Days

For our readers that don’t live in Louisiana, you have to understand that Fall, the season, is a rare thing.  We get a few days that are in the 50s and 60s.  When we get to the low 50s and 40s, it starts to get too cold for us because we still have high humidity and the cold is sometimes miserable. On these days we love taking advantage of Lafreniere Park.

So, when we do get those high 50s and 60 degree days, we try to take advantage of it. The New Orleans area has some great parks.  City Park and Audobon Park are some of our favorites in the city proper.

Taking Advantage of Lafreniere Park with Our Little One

 We also love Lafreniere Park in Metairie.
We have been spending quite a few weekends in Lafreniere, lately.  It’s a quiet park and has some great views. We love bringing the Nola Nerd Baby there because there are a lot of different places to walk and it has plenty of shade.

During our Fall Break, we even went on a picnic, and the Baby sure did enjoy it.

Taking advantage of Lafreniere Park and the many activities they have.

On one of our trips, we came across their pumpkin patch. The Nola Nerd Baby loved hamming it up during the picture taking part.

Standing and Drinking
Standing and Drinking

We can’t wait to be able to spend more days outdoors with our little one. The summer in Louisiana is too oppressively hot to do this kind of activities.  We are thankful for those sporadic days of Fall.

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