Cooking: Sharing Traditions and Memories Through Recipes

We actually had two wedding showers this past weekend. Well, I had one shower; Cristina had two. The second shower was the traditional gender biased shower where no men are allowed within a hundred meters unless they are parking cars. We are very lucky to have such great friends and family who go through the trouble of throwing showers for us. We truly appreciate it.

One of the best gifts we received was no where near our registry. It was a box full of index cards. My sister sent these index cards with the invitations asking for a recipe to pass down to us. I was really excited when I saw this. It’s one thing to learn how to cook and find good recipes. It’s another thing to have to family recipes handed down to you.

The one Cristina wants me to make first is the bouillie recipe from Aunt Linda. It looks like I will be serving it with a side of Lactaid. Apperently, this was the big hit at the family shower with a certain cousin of Cristina’s eating quite a few bowls.

All the recipes sound great. However, that’s not the point to me. Food is more than just nourishment. Food is a way of life and it is something we pass down. Having my cousin pass down a recipe from her mother to me was very touching and very much appreciated. After cooking these recipes, I will try to make a book out of them (which will give me a much needed excuse to learn InDesign) so I can pass them down.

Family Recipes


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0 Replies to “Cooking: Sharing Traditions and Memories Through Recipes”

  1. You can make bouillie with lactose-free milk; it works just fine. I\’ve used Lactaid as well as the Horizon lactose free brand.

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