Noticing Something was Wrong

About two weeks ago, the Nola Nerd Baby developed a cough. The weather had changed, and it was the beginning of cough and cold season in this area. She started with the cough on a Saturday and instantly needed more sleep than usual. We did the saline solution and the nosefrida.

By Wednesday, she didn’t want to eat solid foods nor take her bottle. I was actually worried for strep since it seemed to pain her to eat. Mommy stayed home with her and took her to the doctor. The doctor said her throat, ears, and chest were clear. She decided to run the test for RSV even though all signs pointed to her not having it. The test came back positive.  

Such a trooper…I mean Vader!!!

Dealing With RSV

We caught it really early and kept her home for the rest of the week. Luckily, she never had a fever and never really lost her happiness. They prescribed breathing treatments and the first time we gave her one she was dancing and smiling. She allowed us to put the breathing mask on and often just sat there watching TV or took a nap during the treatment. 

We were lucky it didn’t develop into anything worse. This little girl is tough. She was slowed down, but she was never out.  She never really had a change in her personality.  She just ate less and slept more.  Selfishly, I didn’t mind staying home with her for two days. Neither did granny on the third day.

Being older first-time parents, we have benefited from so many friends and relatives having children.  We cherish their advice, but we have subconsciously been paying attention to how other parents handle these type of events in the hope that one day our miracle would come. We are also fortunate that our daycare is perfect for us. They watch our child during the day but help raise us as parents when we drop-off and pick up our angel every day.

Our nearest family lives an hour away. It makes it hard sometimes, but we know it’s even worse for some of our friends and family. We do appreciate all the help we get and are incredibly thankful for it!

From our family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving!

For all our adventures in parenting, click here!

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