Now that grad school is over, Kurt and I started to slowly have a life again, which means now that it is Mardi Gras season, […]
Parading: The Irish-Italian Parade and What to Do With Your Catch
The Sunday after St. Patrick’s day was a beautiful day, so we headed to Metairie to catch the Irish-Italian Parade. The parade, which started in […]
Festing: TribeCon 2011
On the eve of last year’s Voodoo Fest, I attend TribeCon at the festival site. TribeCon is the official interactive conference of the Voodoo Experience. […]
Rambling: March Madness
A couple of highlights on the calendar for March. March 7: Gambit Food Revue. Cristina and I will be attending this event which highlights the […]
NOLA-ing: Being a tourist in our own city of New Orleans. can sometimes have some amazing deals, though most of them seem to be about teeth whitening, hair removal, or house cleaning. But every once […]
Reading: An Evening With Stephen King
Out of the blue one day, Cristina asked if I enjoy reading Stephen King‘s works. I responded in the affirmative. I think I referred to […]