Reviewing: New Year’s Resolutions

Most people never keep their New Year’s resolutions. I know I don’t. But who says you can only start something new at the beginning of the year? New Year, New Me – I’ve heard it a thousand times. But how many people actually mean what they say? Usually, there is no accountability and people slack off, even though they might have good intentions. This year, I’m trying two resolutions. Well, three, but two go together. Let’s see if my best intentions work and if I can find the accountability that most people need to see things through.

My first two that go together deal with running. I love to run. I used run little fun runs when I was younger. Unfortunately, I, ahem, matured a little *too* much, and felt self-conscious running for a long time. I ran on and off again in my 20s and even completed a half marathon, though I had less than stellar results. This year, I decided to push myself even further and bring running into the forefront of my life, instead of a passive hobby. I signed up for Run the Year, a virtual race where you run 2,016 miles in 2016 (and if you sign up using my link, I get $5 back toward my entrance fee, hint hint). That averages to about 5.5 miles per day. For some people, they are only going to log actual, purposeful running miles, but for me, at least at first, I’m going to do total daily miles using my FitBit Surge. That equals about 12,000 steps for me, which is a pretty big number, considering on a workday, I’ll get about 7,000, and that’s with constant movement. However, we have a gym membership and I have been going somewhat regularly and running on the treadmill since about October (a resolution I made without the New Year starting!). I figured as I run farther and farther, I can stop counting my total daily steps and only count my intentional runs.

This goes with my second resolution because in order to help me achieve my goal of 2,016 miles in 2016 and keep me accountable, I am going to run twelve races in twelve months, or one per month (who knows, some crazy months, I might run two!). I already have two races locked down, the Run on the Bayou on January 30 and the Star Wars Half Marathon – The Dark Side on April 17, plus I have plans to sign up for the Crescent City Classic on March 26 and hopefully sign up for two(!) runs in February (but only one would count for the twelve races in twelve months). This way, I’m constantly training for something and I have a goal to always be working toward. My second half marathon kind of scares me, because the last one was miserable and it took me a little over four hours, but this one is STAR WARS in DISNEY WORLD…how could I turn it down?!

My third resolution deals with this blog. I love the idea of growing our name, Nola Nerd Couple, into something bigger, but that only comes by actively producing content. My resolution is to produce a blog post and have it set to publish every Tuesday at 9am, with this one as the first one. I also want to create some more YouTube vids and share more NOLA and nerdy content on our Facebook page. Hopefully, you guys will help hold me accountable by engaging with me on our content! And if you would ever like to be a guest writer, we would love to have you post. Check out our first guest blog about, what else, running! Hopefully I can be a “runner” in the CCC this year and not just a “survivor.”

So those are my three resolutions. With my accountability checks in place, I hope to keep them up. My legs are already itching for my run tonight! And to all those that also made resolutions, I hope that you stay true to your goals and master them, whatever they may be.

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5 thoughts on “Reviewing: New Year’s Resolutions

  1. Marcus Ampe says:

    You say \”My resolution is to produce a blog post and have it set to publish every Tuesday at 9am, with this one as the first one.\” but why to have every week on Tuesday 9 am to have a posting?

    1. Cristina from NOLA Nerd Couple says:

      I just wanted to give myself a deadline, so I have something to look forward to each week. I randomly picked Tuesday at 9am!

  2. Marcus Ampe says:

    So lots to do for you. To be honest … I shall already be happy to live and see others to grow up.

    1. Cristina from NOLA Nerd Couple says:

      Definitely! My ultimate goal in life is to just be happy. Luckily, I am achieving that right now. Hopefully running will make me healthier so I can live longer to enjoy my life! 🙂

      1. Marcus Ampe says:

        For sure, some good balanced exercise and natural balanced diet shall keep us going longer than many people who overdo it all.

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