
Meet the Nola Nerd Baby

Meet the Nola Nerd Baby

In February 2018, we technically became the Nola Nerd Trio. She also happens to be the cutest member of our team. So let’s meet the Nola Nerd Baby.

The Nola Nerd Super Baby

The Nola Nerd Baby loves Mickey’s Clubhouse and is definitely a Goofy stan. She is also a little foodie and is always willing to try new things.

She is also very extroverted. Much more so than her parents.

Belle as Harley Quinn

The Nola Nerd Baby is in dance classes, and we love watching her find new ways to express herself. Right now her favorite toys are musical ones. It’s also obvious that she enjoys learning which warms her teacher parents hearts.

Our policy is to write about her until she asks us not to write about her. If you also notice, we rarely mention her actual name. While we are a very online family, she deserves some modicum of privacy.

To really understand the impact she has on our loves, read these blogs:

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