Martha is the Most Underrated Companion

Martha is My Companion Martha is the most underrated companion in the new Doctor Who series. She IS my companion. Name a bad Martha episode. I’ll wait. Everyone loves Rose.  Donna helped the Doctor remember who he was. Amy and Rory are everyone’s favorite couple.  Bill made us understand the…

4 min read

Watching: The Exorcist and History

For some reason, I was thinking about The Exorcist the other night.  The original movie is a masterpiece.  It is pure horror and a purely psychological thriller. It’s also one of the most thought-provoking pieces on faith in the modern cinema. It’s a testament to the script and the perfect…

3 min read

Star Wars-ing: Han Solo Comic

The biggest problem with the EU and Disney’s now canon universes was writing for main characters especially if it was in the middle of episodes. Writing for Luke, Han, and Leia can be tricky because we know they aren’t in real danger.  We know they will live to fight another…

2 min read

DoctorWho-ing: Getting Excited for the 13th Doctor

We came to Doctor Who really late. We started watching the Doctor toward the end of Matt Smith’s run but before Peter Capaldi was announced. We were in grad school, so we had little time to dedicate ourselves to watching something new, so we were very selective. In fact, we…

2 min read

Listening: The Cars

This will be a semi-regular feature where I pick a band I haven’t listened to more than what has played on the radio. I was going to try to make it weekly, but I quickly realized that was too lofty of a goal since I really want to listen to…

3 min read