Parenting: Ever Evolving Nola Nerd Couple

With the addition of the Nola Nerd Baby, our site has been put a little on the back burner.  We have to evolve because she has to be our focus. People always say that babies change you.  Well, that’s true up to a point.  We don’t want to lose who…

2 min read

Parenting: The Nola Nerd Baby's Christening

We are a Catholic family. We might not be the best Catholics (we need to go to church more often), but being raised Catholic has had an unshakable impact on us. As it has been a positive influence in our lives, we wanted the same for our darling daughter. I…

2 min read

Parenting: 5 Surprising Facts I Learned About Being A Dad

When people find out that you and your wife are expecting, they have tons of advice for you. Most of it sounds as if it comes from a Sith especially with the use of negative absolute words (“You will never sleep again,” “you won’t be able to travel again,” etc.)…

2 min read

Introducing: Nola Nerd Baby – Addendum: A Father’s Story

Last week, my wife wrote about our journey to parenthood. It was a bumpy road, to say the least. I wanted to add a response to each blog from my point of view. Links to my wife’s blogs will be in each section title.Response to Part I: ConceptionYes, we tried…

10 min read

Introducing: Nola Nerd Baby – Part 3: Birth and Postpartum

Before the Birth and Postpartum Events Click here to read part one – conception. The Birth Of course the story of the Nola Nerd Baby leads us to the birth and postpartum period. Our baby was due on March 9th, 2018. Everyone says that first babies tend to stay in…

2 min read

Blogging: Writing Personal Blogs

This blog has grown over time.  We started out as Cook.Travel.Eat. We talked about those three things but we realized we wanted to expand our focus.  This has led to blogs about comic cons, comics, and Star Wars. We do a lot of news articles now and it has opened…

3 min read