Healing Together as a Family

2018 Was a Challenging Year To say this year has been exciting would be an understatement. It has been the best year ever, but it nearly was the worst year as well. The struggles my wife had in pregnancy didn’t end with delivery. She had to be rushed to the…

3 min read

Smiles and Pouts and Goodbyes

Mr. Nola Nerd Couple’s grandfather passed away last week. He lived a long, productive life full of good works. He was a member of the greatest generation. He volunteered at the Larose Civic Center right until the end. Today, we put him to rest. We wish we would have gotten…

2 min read

The Nola Nerd Baby is Growing Up Too Fast!

I’m writing this on the day that the Nola Nerd Baby turns seven months.STOP TIME! THE NOLA NERD BABY IS GROWING UP TOO FAST! She has doubled her birth weight plus some. She isn’t crawling yet, but she is sitting up and rolling all over the place.  She can hold…

2 min read

Teaching: How Buffy Made Me a Better Teacher

We are taking the week to prepare for the start of the school year (Thursday!), so we are reposting some of our older blogs.   With the announcement that Sarah Michelle Gellar will be attending Star Wars Celebration, I’ve been thinking more about the show lately.  It also helps that it’s…

3 min read

NOLA-ing: The Sound of Music Sing-Along

Guess what is coming back to the National WWII Museum? The Sound of Music Sing-Along! On Saturday, Saturday, August 18, 2018, from 6:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. at the US Freedom Pavilion: The Boeing Center, hosts Becky Allen, Sean Patterson, and Mandy Zirkenbach will preside over a night of singing,…

1 min read

Parenting: Thankful for a Happy Baby

We had told our parents about the pregnancy by July 4 of last year.  Mrs. Nola Nerd Couple’s mom lives in Florida.  The day we got home was the last day she felt well until the baby was delivered. Apparently there is an old wives’ tale, with some scientific backing,…

3 min read